Welcome to yAdult Review, a space where two girls review novels from across the genres, from YA and MG, to fantasy and sci-fi, to historical fiction and mystery, with a sprinkling of non-fiction too. We hope you enjoy your stay here as much as we enjoy ours.

Welcome to yAdult Review, a space where two girls review novels from across the genres, from YA and MG, to fantasy and sci-fi, to historical fiction and mystery, with a sprinkling of non-fiction too. We hope you enjoy your stay here as much as we enjoy ours.

us This is us. Ashley (L) and Tina (R) right after we got tattoos in Las Vegas. We’re pretty much like this whenever we’re near each other; it is amazing that we get any work done, right? Although we are best friends, our reading habits couldn’t be more different. We’ve been known to read books and email the other “THIS BOOK IS SO YOU IT BURNS.” Ashley favors trashy books, from romance to YA, and Tina favors the more dramatic from fantasy to non-fiction to yes, YA.66111_10102231870854811_1164295204_n

We love YA so much we actually went to Las Vegas in September 2012 to not only hang with each other, but also to hang with a bunch of Young Adult authors. We regret nothing.

The favorite authors between us range from Kendare Blake, who we openly fangirl, to Stephanie Perkins to Lisa McMann. Even with sharing authors there won’t be too much overlap, because what fun would that be?

To the right is Ashley and Tina at 7:30am with the sun barely up getting ready to run into a giant book sale. Because isn’t that what you do on your vacation?

About Ashley

ashleyAshley was born with a book in her hand. She loathes graduate school, being an adult, gmail not working, and pants. She finished grad school and is now a librarian, she is still working on the later two on her list. She enjoys sarcasm, reading, emailing, ignoring the world, rolling her eyes and organizing other peoples things. She has six overflowing bookshelves and a Nook that is filled itself, if she could ever find it. She is often found with a book in one hand and her phone in the other discussing the book she is reading, generally using ALL CAPS. Her indie knows her by her name and she will be the first to admit she has a problem. She is a fan Wisconsin sports: Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, Wisconsin Badgers and Marquette Golden Eagles. She has been told she takes them a little too seriously. Ashley is also a fan of third person pov, Mumford and Sons, and tv shows that excel at being horrible. She is a Hufflepuff who is also Amity Candor in the Divergent world. She also loves that her co-blogger reads those horribly angsty books so she doesn’t have to, but Tina still doesn’t know her or her taste.

About Tina


Tina was born to a family of largely non-readers. Despite those odds, she lived and breathed books from a young age, from Babysitter’s Club to the Black Jewels Trilogy, to all things David Eddings, to Jim Butcher and Ilona Andrews. She has a deep love for epic fantasy, female-led urban fantasy, and character-driven sci-fi, along with feminist non-fiction. She dislikes romance, but has been pleasantly surprised by the genre before. She is also the resident Angst Queen, and feeds off heartbreak as though it was bread. Tina is working on completing her special education degree, but for now she works for her father’s business in a suburb of Chicago, the city she loves. Tina is a White Sox fan, to her great distress and Ashley’s amusement, but otherwise she doesn’t really understand the mysteries that are sportsball. She owns a couple Kindles, but lately spends most of her time wrangling her son, who was born in September 2014.

7 Comment(s)

  1. Brittany

    03/17/2013 at 9:27 am

    Hey ladies! I just found your blog and thought I’d let you (Tina) know that since you’re in the Chicago suburbs, I actually started a Chicago burb branch of the Forever YA book club if you’re interested! I’ve been trying to find a few more people for the book club and I’m trying to round up some local YA lovers. Let me know if you’re interested 🙂 We’re reading The Raven Boys this month!
    Now onto comment on posts 🙂 See you around!

  2. liabanana

    05/08/2013 at 8:19 pm

    Tag! You’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award. Follow this link for more information! http://booksfortheyoungatheart.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/liebster-award/

  3. Grace Nobles

    08/14/2013 at 11:41 am

    You don’t have any books reviewed under X? (Gasp!)….Really disappointed.

    Ashley this is page is a great resource for books, so glad I looked on this page, I’ve not big into Yadult books since high school but I’ve come a cross a couple this last year that were really good. Now checking to see if you have a review on the book The School for Good and Evil.

  4. writtenwordworlds

    04/26/2014 at 4:00 am

    Hey! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog Awards! Please check out my blog for more information… http://writtenwordworlds.wordpress.com/2014/04/26/the-liebster-blog-award/

  5. despondent (@ashedryden)

    06/16/2014 at 1:01 pm

    Hi Ashley! Glynnis recommended I contact you. I’m looking for some YA recommendations with a feminist bent. Do you have or know where I could find something like that? Thanks!

  6. lucienmaier

    11/18/2014 at 2:09 pm

    A lot of my pieces people tend to say are YA, I would love to know what you think of them. Would be such a thrill to get a review from you all.
    Check out No More and The Bus

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