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Tag Archives: publisher: oni press

17248106Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe (Scott Pilgrim #5) by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Release Date: August 13, 2014
Publisher: Oni Press
Source: Library
Rating: starstarstarstarblank_star
Buy It: Amazon | IndieBound

Scott Pilgrim just turned 24, and things couldn’t possibly be better! This means things are about to get infinitely worse. Suddenly, TWO of Ramona’s evil ex-boyfriends are in town, and they’re playing dirty. His band is in turmoil, and his own exes aren’t making things any easier. And what’s up with Ramona, anyway? She’s been acting kinda weird ever since they moved in together. It’s the SECOND LAST VOLUME of SCOTT PILGRIM: Scott’s precious little life is coming back around to bite him in the butt, and it may not be pretty!– Goodreads


After vacation and reading a handful of other books, I finally was able to get my hold on Scott Pilgrim #4. The fun thing about this series is that I was taken right back into the world, picking right up where I left off. I honestly enjoy that when I read books. It was also clear that by book #5, O’Malley has gotten the process down for creating Pilgrim and his world.

What, to me, was the highlight of the novel, is when Ramona had enough of Scott’s bullshit and called him an asshole. Something I’ve been calling him from book one. Here I thought I was the only one that saw he was an asshole and it seems that, no, others recognized this also. Although we’re on the second to last book, this is where everything seems to go to hell. Scott has to fight two evil ex’s. His band has dissolved and Knives is still obsessed with him and wants to bring hellfire down on him (because you know fighting the evil ex’s is not hell enough.) While threads are slowly being brought together, I did find myself annoyed at most of the characters throughout the series I’ve come to realize it isn’t them. It’s me. They are not a group I would hang around with, or talk to on a daily basis and because of this I find myself annoyed at them.

Yes, I know, branch out of your comfort zone, etc and that is what if anything this graphic novel journey has been about. Branching outside of my comfort zone, and while I don’t regret it. I do wish I didn’t want to shake the characters so much.

17172103Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness (Scott Pilgrim #3) by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Release Date: June 4, 2013
Publisher: Oni Press
Source: Library
Rating: starstarstarblank_starblank_star
Buy It: Amazon | IndieBound

The full-color, completely remastered, utterly astounding republication of the Scott Pilgrim epic continues! This new 6″x9″ hardcover presents Scott’s run-in with Ramona ex, Envy boy toy, and The Clash at Demon Head with bassist Todd Ingram as you’ve never seen it before – in full-color! Plus, previously unpublished extras, hard-to-find short stories, and exclusive bonus materials will make you see Scott Pilgrim in a whole new light!–Goodreads


Scott Pilgirm gets progressively better throughout the series, but there are still faults in the series. While I have no regrets reading it (and enjoying it) I do wish O’Malley wouldn’t have taken the ‘typical’ route many times. I think half way through the series, it would have been more interesting to see boundaries pushed and risks to be taken. However, I understand and respect the fact this series blew up as it went along and risks couldn’t be taken from the get-go.

I did enjoy this installment, and enjoyed the story that O’Malley told. Scott is still the same from the previous two novels. He’s still an asshole who doesn’t think before he speaks. Or thinks at all. The world continues to revolve around him and he gets confused when people think about people who aren’t him. Like that happens? Some of the best parts of Scott Pilgrim for me, are throughout the series are the facial expressions that his friends give him when he opens his mouth. The group of friends was constantly real to me. They were snarky, they called out each other, and they didn’t find the fact that Scott is having to face Ramona’s evil exs and it was fun.

I have never gone into this series expecting anything and that has made this series so much more fun for me. Every page is a surprise and the bit of pop culture thrown in makes it even more enjoyable. I get why my friends have been encouraging me to read this series for years.

15898731Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World (Scott Pilgrim #2) by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Release Date: August 8, 2012
Publisher: Oni Press
Source: Library
Rating: starstarstarblank_starblank_star
Buy It: Amazon | IndieBound

Does Scott and Ramona’s burgeoning relationship have a future? Isn’t Scott still supposedly dating Knives Chau? Who is Ramona’s second evil ex-boyfriend, and why is he in Toronto? Who are The Clash At Demonhead, and what kind of bizarre art-punky music do they play? Who’s their hot girl keyboardist, and what is Scott’s relation to her? Why are they Knives Chau’s new favourite band? Fights! Drama! Secrets revealed! The answers to all these questions and more! Goodreads


I was actually annoyed when I had to put this on hold on the library after I finished the first one! What do you mean I had to wait?! THAT IS CRAZY TALK. But it was worth the wait. I was once again wrapped up in the story of Scott vs the world around him. Scott continues to be an asshole who is fighting for the right to date Ramona. What I love about Scott Pilgrim is the fact the pop culture involved in it is almost more exciting than the actual story to me.

And I don’t mean that as an insult! There are so many little Easter eggs that I almost have this need to re-read them because I know I’ve missed things. Through use of coloring and solid drawings Scott Pilgrim tells the second arc to the story and in that story there are a lot of subplots. A lot of them to the point I felt like a notebook was the only way to keep them straight. I also noticed a lot of this volume was not as zoomed in and because of that I often did not know who was talking. And it is easier said than done to know how’s talking. Often in books I re-read to figure out it is talking. If anything it is a major pet peeve of mine when books are told in dual pov and it’s impossible to differentiate. But I regress.

It is also annoying because Scott has issues breaking up with his 17 year old girlfriend and I wanted to slap him. But as I said in the first paragraph: Scott Pilgrim is an asshole and O’Malley doesn’t shy away from the fact that 23 year olds are not perfect and are often dicks who are still figuring things out. I think young adults and adults will relate to that. I related to it, but it also dragged the book down for me I wanted more from Scott, but then I had to remind myself, this is the second volume in a six volume set. Not a lot of growth happens in the first third of most books and that’s okay.

14080417Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life (Scott Pilgrim #1) by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Release Date: August 8, 2012
Publisher: Oni Press
Source: Library
Rating: starstarstarblank_starblank_star
Buy It: Amazon | IndieBound

ust when you thought you knew all there was to know about Scott Pilgrim comes Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover Volume 1: Precious Little Life! The first in a series of brand-new hardcover editions, this remastered, 6″x9″ hardcover presents Scott’s first “evil ex” battle as you’ve never seen it before – in full-color! Plus, previously unpublished extras and bonus materials make this mighty tome one that’s required reading for Scottaholics everywhere! – Goodreads


A few years ago, when my BFF and I were younger and we lived together, we went and saw the Scott Pilgrim movie. I say younger because we used to go to midnight showings every single week on Fridays. Now the idea of staying up until midnight makes both of us tired, and we go with the grandmas at 10AM and we love it. I bring this story up because we saw the movie with no idea about it being a graphic novel, nor caring that it was a graphic novel.

Now, that I’m all about the graphic novels, I could not wait to put this on hold and devour it. Devour it, I did. This book however, is very much an opener to Scott’s world and gives you a feel for the characters. It also sets up the fact that Scott is a bit of an asshole something that only grew through the first volume of the graphic novel. He’s in his mid-20s and he’s dating a high schooler who becomes a wee bit obsessed with him and his band. He’s fine with this because why wouldn’t he fine with this? It’s normal right? His group of friends actually call him out on this and the fact he isn’t acting normal and whatever this thing is, it isn’t normal.

But he continues on with his life. Living with his roommate, hanging with the band, and his girlfriend. Then, at a party, he sees Ramona Flowers, and his life changes. He has hearts in his eyes and “high school girlfriend, who?” What Scott isn’t aware of is the fact that Ramona has seven evil ex’s and he has to fight them for the right to date her. What I found fascinating is the fact that Scott doesn’t even blink. He accepts this and prepares to fight.

What O’Malley does is create a hilarious believable story, even when the events are completely unbelievable. Like having to fight a handful of guys to go out with a girl? Not realistic! BUT the fact is he makes it work. The illustrations are spot on, the story line is solid and I cannot wait to read the next installments.